| Support
Customer Service
Phone: (800) 362-7266 | Email:
Whether you need service on existing equipment, changes to your control system programming, or pump selection assistance, our support team is here to help! They will guide you through initial questions and direct you to the appropriate department.
From there, you can talk with a service manager who may be able to solve your problem over the phone. You can schedule a service technician for an onsite repair, get a pump quotation or call for design assistance with a pump or control application. The point is, when you work with L.W. Allen, we become your “one-stop shop” for all things pump, control, SCADA, and instrumentation.
Pump selection can be complicated. We are here to assist you in selecting the right products for the job. Our sales team has many years of experience in providing customers with pump and control solutions. Our municipal market sales team can provide quotes for pumps, valves, gates, and prepackaged systems for aftermarket replacement or upgrade. We have Wisconsin licensed Professional Civil Engineers who can assist with product selection, application, and quotation for facility upgrades and bid jobs.
Our Altronex division has salespeople on staff to provide assistance with control system design, bid quotation, and control product information for municipal market water and wastewater systems.
Our industrial market salesmen can provide quotations, applications assistance, as well as emergency pickup or delivery for your immediate pump repair or replacement needs. We have a large stock of pumps and parts to help keep your downtime to a minimum.
Parts & Service
Pump equipment and flow control products are subject to abrasive and corrosive wear. At L.W. Allen, we maintain a local stock of parts and replacement pumps to keep your system operational. When you call us, we can answer questions related to product assembly or disassembly, parts selection and pricing, as well as provide some “tricks of the trade.” We can also help you troubleshoot a problem over the phone, or schedule one of our pump service technicians to make a site visit to your facility to provide on-site repairs, pump removal, or pump installation.
Altronex provides parts and service for your custom control system. Call us for:
- Delivery of replacement equipment. This includes level control equipment, instrumentation, radio telemetry, starters, breakers, or UPS battery backup products.
- To schedule electrical product service and repair. We also have field service technicians to assist you with system start-ups, field repairs, and system modifications.
- Your computer programming needs. We have in-house system programmers available to help you modify your system programming so that it functions the way you want it to – one of the many advantages of working with Altronex Control Systems.